Thursday, August 2, 2012

Update on Life!

I know, I got everyone's hopes up. I promised I would blog...and then I didn't. Typical.

My sweet friend and former Pico Duarte guide, Moises, reminded me that it's kind of difficult to read a blog that doesn't have anything written.

Seems like it's probably true.

Because I start school on Monday (!) and my brother is marrying the love of his life this weekend, I have a few short days to get everything up and running so that all of my friends can stalk my life, since I am boycotting Facebook. :)

Here's hoping!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Once Upon A Time

Once upon a time, I had a blog! And I had people that read my blog!

And then, I quit blogging because I had nothing to talk about.  No one wanted to read about my boring life!

However, I just closed one chapter in the book of my life (graduating college), and I am on to the next chapter--medical school (and moving out of my parents' house!)

I hope to start blogging again as many changes start coming my way!