Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Oh, how the times have changed...

I haven't posted much lately because it's hard for me to get internet--it involves lugging my computer the whole way to school and walk around campus holding my computer trying to find internet signal in a few places. However, today I discovered that if I stack my computer on top of my suitcase, on top of my chair, by the window, like so:
I can pick up internet from Pepine. I'm not really sure who Pepine is, but I'm really thankful for his unprotected wireless internet.

I promise that I will do a huge post soon with lots of pictures, but for now, I have a few comments about the last 25(!) days.

Twenty-five days ago, I would not have begged to wear my tennis shoes. I'm more of a flip flops kind of girl. Twenty degrees or ninety degrees, I'll take the flip flops.

Twenty-five days ago, I could not imagine trading my perfume for bug spray. Now, bug spray has become part of my daily routine.

Twenty-five days ago, I would have showered every single day. Today, I realize that being clean is a luxury. And it is also somewhat inconvenient. Therefore...you get the point.

Twenty-five days ago, I would have washed (and dried, with a hairdryer) my hair every single day. The hairdryer is a thing of the past.

Twenty-five days ago, I would have never worn sunscreen on a daily basis. Today, I know what a farmers tan looks like and I prefer the sunscreen.

Twenty-five days ago, I would have run to the grocery store to buy whatever food I needed, whenever I needed it. Today, I also realize this is a luxury--if the power goes out, the food goes bad. There is enough food in our refrigerator for about a day.

Twenty-five days ago, I would not have worn the same jeans for fourteen days straight. (Okay, this one still makes me cringe a little bit.) But it's true. Fourteen days in the same pair of jeans.

Stay tuned for a huge photo post soon. Be sure to thank Pepine for me if you see him! :)


Anonymous said...

Thank you Pepine.

Joan said...

I took me many more years than you to figure out that my needs and my wants are not the same thing.

Juan J. said...

Pepines is a Santiago Digital initiative. Free wifi internet for los Pepines, that is a neighborhood in Santiago.

••••Dellullahbelle said...

Pepines is a neighbourhood in Santiago! Our first free Wi-Fi area in the whole city!!! Im loving your blog, your comments and your experience!! It's soo nice to see foreigners real perspective of our culture and our traditions! Keep blogging!