Thursday, February 11, 2010

I've always wanted a little sister. But I never got one. (You can take that up with my parents). I used to play with my friends little sisters because I didn't have one.

But now, I have two! My hermanitas are absolutely precious. Julissa is 5 and Perla is 7. I moved into my new family Tuesday night, and so far, so good. They are so great. And my sisters! I am absolutely in love. I played with them all night Tuesday night.

We dropped them off at school on Wednesday morning, and my mom, July took me to school so I could figure my way out. I feel like I'm probably going to be spending a lot more money on transportation at this house because it's a lot harder to walk to school. There's a highway near the school that I have to cross, and while people do it all the time, I feel safer taking a concho.

I came home yesterday and ate lunch, and took a nap. And it was a much, much needed nap. When I woke up, I had two little girls sitting outside of my room waiting for me to wake up. It was cute. I played with them all afternoon and night and then did my homework and went to bed.

I talked to Elaine, my program director, and the first thing she said to me was “Wow, you seem so happy”. And I am. I really, really am.


Craig said...

You don't have a little sister because of how much trouble you were!
Actually, your mom and I decided that our two were perfect, so any other kid just couldn't come close.

Post some pictures of your new digs and the little ones!

Anonymous said...

Sorry we couldn't help you out with that hermanita thing!

Kristina said...

I'm really concerned that you used the word digs. I will post pictures of my hermanitas as soon as I can!