Thursday, March 11, 2010

How Far We've Come

When I first moved in with my family, I clearly did not have the same lifestyle as they did. Thankfully, I've adjusted to them and they have adjusted to me as well.

My family knows now that I will drag myself out of bed in the morning and sit at the table bleary eyed while we eat breakfast. If I'm lucky, I won't say a word to anyone. It's not that I don't want to be sociable or that I'm mad/upset/or sick it's that it's morning.

Doña Antonia (the maid/nanny) knows that I will eat just about anything put in front of me. The likelihood of me eating something increases tenfold if there's ketchup I can put on it.

Doña Antonia also knows that I do not/will not/cannot eat Con-con, with or without ketchup. (Con-con is basically burnt rice. After they take the rice out of the pot, they scrape the sides of the pot, put it on a plate, and call it Con-con. I call it burnt rice.)

My family knows that after lunch, there is almost a 100% chance that I will take a nap. It's not because I don't feel well, it's just because I'm tired.

My mom knows that she has to remind me to do my homework. If she doesn't, it's likely that I'll spend the whole evening playing Barbies, watching Disney channel, and letting my sisters play with my hair.

I definitely feel like I am part of this family. I am the big sister, but I'm also the daughter. I'm part of their lives, and they care about me and my day. I consider my little sisters mine. I know that when I look back on my experience in the DR, my family will be one of the fondest memories. :)


Joan said...

I'm glad that you got beyond the previous family's abandonment.

Anonymous said...

Your hermanitas were cute when we saw them tonight.