Monday, March 8, 2010

I'm Glad I Brought That Jacket

Yesterday when I woke up, it was twelve degrees. TWELVE DEGREES PEOPLE!
(Okay, that's in Celcius--it's about 54 Farenheit).

That's WAY too cold for the Dominican Republic. I haven't seen the sun in four days. I forget what it looks like.

I read that it's because the US is having so much snow that it's reflecting on to us.

If y'all could stop doing that, it'd be great.



Dan said...

Can I just say that the chilly, gloomy weather made me immensely happy? And more than a little homesick...

Anonymous said...

Well, look at it this way....

Would you rather be on a beautiful tropical island and have it be 54 degrees, or would you rather be in South Carolina and it be 54 degrees....a tropical island still sounds pretty nice for a change...

30 days and counting...not that I'm counting....