Monday, January 12, 2009

An acquired taste

I found out today at lunch that I don't hate the foods as much as I used to. Apparently it's an acquired taste.

Things I think are weird:
Corn with mayonnaise (the mayo is yellow--i mistaked it for butter, and asked for some. BIG mistake)
Eating scrambled eggs on bread
Eating scrambled eggs with tomatoes on bread
Eating tomatoes with butter on bread
Drinking warm milk
Drinking cereal (yes, drinking)

However, the soup we had at lunch that I used to think was weird is something I look forward to after some other things I have tried.

Yesterday I spent the afternoon sulking that Grey's Anatomy and Private Practice (or any ABC show for that matter) are not available outside of the united states because they don't broadcast their station outside of the US (hence, american broadcasting co.). It's tragic, I know.

However, don't fear, we are rotting the minds of Chilean teens with MTV and Comedy Central. They like Colbert, by the way. (I prefer him in English).

I spent the better part of today at the beach (the lesser part was spent at school), working on my tan. I won't post pictures, I don't want to rub it in that I'm in 85 degree weather, while it's rainy and cold at home. (I actually don't have pictures to post, that's the real reason).


Anonymous said...

Did you tell them that Colbert is from here (SC)?

Kristina said...

no, i forgot about that...